4 Μαΐ 2009
6 Απρ 2009
Manoualion 1747-Saint Demetrios-Bitola (Monastiri)-FYROM
This is a manoualion(big candlestick that is used in the christian temples) that is found in the church Saint Demetrios in Bitola(Monastiri) -FYROM.
Aυτό ειναι ένα μανουάλιο που βρίσκεται στην εκκλησία του αγίου Δημητρίου στο Μοναστήρι(Μπίτολα)-ΦΥΡΟΜ
Και πάλι κοντά σας ...
Αγαπητοί φίλοι του northmacedonians, μετά απο απουσία σχεδόν πέντε μηνών, είμαστε και πάλι κοντά σας, συνεχίζοντας την προσπάθειά μας για ανάδειξη θεμάτων που αφορούν τον Ελληνισμό της πΓΔΜ.
Τα μηνύματα είναι ενθαρρυντικά, αφού οι Έλληνες (γηγενείς βλαχόφωνοι, σλαβόφωνοι, Σαρακατσάνοι και πολιτικοί πρόσφυγες) οργανώνονται με τη δημιουργία συλλόγων και φορέων που θα τους εκπροσωπούν.
Σύντομα θα μπορούμε να ανακοινώσουμε περισσότερα, όπως κάποια στοιχεία που θα συζητηθούν και αφορούν τους Έλληνες στην πΓΔΜ, αλλά και τη στάση της πατρίδας.
18 Δεκ 2008
Slavic Philhellenic Network
Proclamation of the SLAVIC PHILHELLENIC NETWORKWHAT MOTIVATES THE ANTI-GREEK DISPOSTION ?, brought into a state of misapprehension through everyday parading of pseudohistorians and politically-correct academics, the public in this state exposed itself to Anti-Greek hysteria, unprovoked by any single act by the official Athens and Greeks in general.
Fraternizing you with Turkey, the inheritor of the half millenia-lasting Ottoman oppressor, recommending you the so-called Kosovo as strategic ally and planting hate towards Bulgaria and Serbia, the political top is putting you further from the neighboring Slavic nations and from the Greek state as well, which always always carried a moderate an restrained political course towards Skoplje apart from the artificial name problem created by official Skopje, including significant economical investments and other forms of cooperation.
Seduced by the rhetoric of the political top
Ancient Macedonia, from its foundation according to its language, alphabet, culture and consciousness emergent through the historic sources was part of the Hellenic word. The ancient sources as well as the epigraphical monuments, all of them in Greek, testify about the Greek character of Macedonians. Ancient Macedonia, out which only Pelagonia at us was embraced by its northern borders is a demographic source of the later Greek population of the region. During antiquity, the area of this Republic included the regions of Paeonia (centre) and Dardania (north). Our ancestors, the Slavs, found almost completely desolated land and rare, prevalently Romanic („Vlach“) and to a lesser extent Greek population, which was for the most part assimilated by them during the subsequent centuries.
The Greek character of Macedonia, our Slavic ethnic character tied to the common Bulgarian cultural space, with presence of significant traditional Serbian demographic and culturological components, are strongly attested in archeological artifacts, linguistic finds and historical sources. The unofficial censorship and the legal ban of private organized research of the ethno-anthropological problematic brought the informational darkness
The theft of the Greek Macedonian identity is happening shrouded in that darkness, which will not be defeated by light until the leaders of our academic thought are just passive observes of the Deslavisation and the systematic „Ancient Macedonization“ which is carried intensively.
Seduced by the rhetoric of the political top
Ancient Macedonia, from its foundation according to its language, alphabet, culture and consciousness emergent through the historic sources was part of the Hellenic word. The ancient sources as well as the epigraphical monuments, all of them in Greek, testify about the Greek character of Macedonians. Ancient Macedonia, out which only Pelagonia at us was embraced by its northern borders is a demographic source of the later Greek population of the region. During antiquity, the area of this Republic included the regions of Paeonia (centre) and Dardania (north). Our ancestors, the Slavs, found almost completely desolated land and rare, prevalently Romanic („Vlach“) and to a lesser extent Greek population, which was for the most part assimilated by them during the subsequent centuries.
The Greek character of Macedonia, our Slavic ethnic character tied to the common Bulgarian cultural space, with presence of significant traditional Serbian demographic and culturological components, are strongly attested in archeological artifacts, linguistic finds and historical sources. The unofficial censorship and the legal ban of private organized research of the ethno-anthropological problematic brought the informational darkness
The theft of the Greek Macedonian identity is happening shrouded in that darkness, which will not be defeated by light until the leaders of our academic thought are just passive observes of the Deslavisation and the systematic „Ancient Macedonization“ which is carried intensively.
The actual revolt of official Greece is caused by the usurpation of Greco-Macedonian history and by the appropriation of Greco-Macedonian symbols. This irredentist policy is launched to turn you away from everyday problems and to give you a feeling of being victims of the „irrational neighbors“. The Pseudomacedonism is not offering you nothing that enriches you spiritually, but it is an illusion and as such, an undesirable ideology. Therefore:
Stop the Deslavisation! Say no to the hatred towards Greece and Greeks!Say no to the expropriation of foreign history!
Stop the Deslavisation! Say no to the hatred towards Greece and Greeks!Say no to the expropriation of foreign history!
Author and distributor : Slovenska Filhelenska Mreža – Skopje
2008 Slovenska Filhelenska Mreža – Slavic Philhellenic Network
With this action, the “Slavic Philhellenic Network” affirmed its proclaimed goals: to inform and educate the public in FYROM about the politically-constructed nature of the current issue and on the artificial nature of the Pseudomacedonism. Today’s action is one of the many that will follow. Regardless of the quite improvised means of reaching to the public, the use of which is forced upon us due to the complacent conformism of the larger media house, today’s flyers distribution achieved our goal of legitimizing ourselves in front of the broader public.
4 Δεκ 2008
Greeks in FYROM
By Georgios Gialtouridis
The term clone is derived from κλών (klon), the Greek word for twig or branch, referring to the process whereby a new plant can be created from a twig.
"It was night when we entered Monastiri and night when we left...The inhabitants - the town is populated by Greeks - walk about furtively...and dwell below ground in their basements...The people here got wind instantly of the arrival of fellow Greeks...They kissed our hands, caressed our rifles, patted our helmets...and wept calmly beneath the moonlight. 'Can it be true? Are you really Greeks? Greeks from Greece? Our brothers?' They explained that during all their years of slavery they had been waiting for us, dreaming about us '...please, brethren, never let us fall into the hands of the Serbs again. They've oppressed us horribly, just because we are Greek...They lash us with whips if they hear the Greek language spoken among us. They don't even allow us to celebrate mass in Greek.'"
Through brilliant imagery author Stratis Myrivilis, born Efstratios Stamatopoulos, in his book Life in the Tomb evokes the meaning and truth of his personal experiences as a soldier in the Greek army in World War I. Monastiri, at the time a predominantly Greek city located on the southern edge of the Pelagonia valley, was originally founded by Philip II as Heraclea Lyncestis. During the Byzantine period it became known as Monastiri. Following almost 500 years of Ottoman occupation, the Treaty of Bucharest of 1913 placed the city under Serb control, only to be occupied by Bulgaria and the Central Powers just two years later during World War I. Myrivilis accounts firsthand as the Greeks, fighting on the side of the Allies, heroically entered Monastiri in 1918 ending the city's brief Bulgarian occupation. At the conclusion of the war, Monastiri again fell under Serb control as part of Vardarska province in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The Slavs call it Bitola, from the old Slavic word obitel, meaning monastery.
The savage assimilation process which the city's inhabitants had so vehemently exposed to the Greek soldiers went unheeded by the powers that be. Again the Greeks of Monastiri were left to their fate as policies of intimidation, persecution and terror perpetuated by successive regimes continued...even up to this day.
According to the latest census there are roughly 75,000 inhabitants in Monastiri. Not one of them has been recorded as Greek. Ninety years earlier the city was bustling with a Greek population including Greek schools, churches, businesses and cultural centers. Today a visitor can still see the remnants of the Greek glory days of Monastiri. So, what happened to all those Greeks? Where are they?
THE VLACHS. Following the 1768 Greek rebellion at Moschopolis, Epirus (today Voskopoja, Albania) then the cradle of Vlach speaking Greeks, and the subsequent destruction of the city by Ottoman irregulars and Albanian tribes, Vlachs moved to other cities in the Balkans including the cities of Monastiri, Ochrid, Gevgeli, Doirani, etc. presently in FYROM. The Vlach dialect has Latin origins going back to the Roman occupation of Greece. Vlach speaking Greeks do not define themselves with the term 'Vlach' but rather with the term 'Aromoun' or 'Aromanian.' This term is equivalent and a paraphrase to the term 'Romios' which was used to describe all Greek men since the time of the Roman Empire when the Roman emperor Caracalla under the Constitutio Antoniniana of 212 A.D. extended the privileges of full Roman citizenship to all free men. Therefore the term 'Aromoun' or 'Aromanian' which Vlachs themselves use is a self-definition of their ethnic Greek identity. Another term used by the Slavs to describe the Vlachs is 'Vlachogrekomans.'
THE SARAKATSANS. The Sarakatsans are a Greek tribe with ancient origins. They originated from the area of Agrafa, a region in the southern part of the Pindos mountain range in central Greece. To avoid Ottoman rule they turned to nomadic life, abandoning the area of their settlement and fleeing north to territories now known as Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. In the 19th century a large portion of this tribe settled in southern Serbia. They had preserved their ethnic Greek identity by reason of their nomadic life and marriages within the tribe. As a sign of protest against the Ottoman occupation of Greece they were dressed in black, also indicative of their mourning for the fall of Constantinople. Therefore their contemporary name 'Sarakatsans' derives from the Turkish words 'kara' meaning black and 'kacan' meaning fugitive. The Sarakatsans in FYROM speak the local Slavonic dialect as well as Greek.
In the next segment I will continue revealing the Greek minority in FYROM, including references to written documentation proving human rights violations against Greeks.
"It was night when we entered Monastiri and night when we left...The inhabitants - the town is populated by Greeks - walk about furtively...and dwell below ground in their basements...The people here got wind instantly of the arrival of fellow Greeks...They kissed our hands, caressed our rifles, patted our helmets...and wept calmly beneath the moonlight. 'Can it be true? Are you really Greeks? Greeks from Greece? Our brothers?' They explained that during all their years of slavery they had been waiting for us, dreaming about us '...please, brethren, never let us fall into the hands of the Serbs again. They've oppressed us horribly, just because we are Greek...They lash us with whips if they hear the Greek language spoken among us. They don't even allow us to celebrate mass in Greek.'"
Through brilliant imagery author Stratis Myrivilis, born Efstratios Stamatopoulos, in his book Life in the Tomb evokes the meaning and truth of his personal experiences as a soldier in the Greek army in World War I. Monastiri, at the time a predominantly Greek city located on the southern edge of the Pelagonia valley, was originally founded by Philip II as Heraclea Lyncestis. During the Byzantine period it became known as Monastiri. Following almost 500 years of Ottoman occupation, the Treaty of Bucharest of 1913 placed the city under Serb control, only to be occupied by Bulgaria and the Central Powers just two years later during World War I. Myrivilis accounts firsthand as the Greeks, fighting on the side of the Allies, heroically entered Monastiri in 1918 ending the city's brief Bulgarian occupation. At the conclusion of the war, Monastiri again fell under Serb control as part of Vardarska province in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The Slavs call it Bitola, from the old Slavic word obitel, meaning monastery.
The savage assimilation process which the city's inhabitants had so vehemently exposed to the Greek soldiers went unheeded by the powers that be. Again the Greeks of Monastiri were left to their fate as policies of intimidation, persecution and terror perpetuated by successive regimes continued...even up to this day.
According to the latest census there are roughly 75,000 inhabitants in Monastiri. Not one of them has been recorded as Greek. Ninety years earlier the city was bustling with a Greek population including Greek schools, churches, businesses and cultural centers. Today a visitor can still see the remnants of the Greek glory days of Monastiri. So, what happened to all those Greeks? Where are they?
THE VLACHS. Following the 1768 Greek rebellion at Moschopolis, Epirus (today Voskopoja, Albania) then the cradle of Vlach speaking Greeks, and the subsequent destruction of the city by Ottoman irregulars and Albanian tribes, Vlachs moved to other cities in the Balkans including the cities of Monastiri, Ochrid, Gevgeli, Doirani, etc. presently in FYROM. The Vlach dialect has Latin origins going back to the Roman occupation of Greece. Vlach speaking Greeks do not define themselves with the term 'Vlach' but rather with the term 'Aromoun' or 'Aromanian.' This term is equivalent and a paraphrase to the term 'Romios' which was used to describe all Greek men since the time of the Roman Empire when the Roman emperor Caracalla under the Constitutio Antoniniana of 212 A.D. extended the privileges of full Roman citizenship to all free men. Therefore the term 'Aromoun' or 'Aromanian' which Vlachs themselves use is a self-definition of their ethnic Greek identity. Another term used by the Slavs to describe the Vlachs is 'Vlachogrekomans.'
THE SARAKATSANS. The Sarakatsans are a Greek tribe with ancient origins. They originated from the area of Agrafa, a region in the southern part of the Pindos mountain range in central Greece. To avoid Ottoman rule they turned to nomadic life, abandoning the area of their settlement and fleeing north to territories now known as Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. In the 19th century a large portion of this tribe settled in southern Serbia. They had preserved their ethnic Greek identity by reason of their nomadic life and marriages within the tribe. As a sign of protest against the Ottoman occupation of Greece they were dressed in black, also indicative of their mourning for the fall of Constantinople. Therefore their contemporary name 'Sarakatsans' derives from the Turkish words 'kara' meaning black and 'kacan' meaning fugitive. The Sarakatsans in FYROM speak the local Slavonic dialect as well as Greek.
In the next segment I will continue revealing the Greek minority in FYROM, including references to written documentation proving human rights violations against Greeks.
30 Νοε 2008
27 Νοε 2008
Έλληνες Θρακιώτες στην ΠΓΔΜ

Το Πέχτσεβο αριθμεί σήμερα 5.517 κατοίκους (απογραφή 2002) με τη συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των κατοίκων, να έχουν ελληνική καταγωγή, από την Καλλίπολη της ανατολικής Θράκης. Δεν θα ήταν υπερβολή, να θεωρηθεί πως πρόκειται, για ένα καθαρό ελληνικό χωριό, στην καρδιά της ΠΓΔΜ.
Οι κάτοικοι έχουν απόλυτη γνώση της ελληνικής καταγωγής τους και μάλιστα έχουν συστήσει και πολιτιστικό σύλλογο, με την επωνυμία «Σύλλογος Ελλήνων – Καλλίπολη – Πέχτσεβο».
Όλο και περισσότεροι κάτοικοι μιλούν πλέον την ελληνική, αφού ο σύλλογος λειτουργεί και τμήμα Ενηλίκων, για την εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Ελληνίδα δασκάλα από τα Σκόπια επισκέπτεται δύο φορές την εβδομάδα την μικρή πόλη και διδάσκει ελληνικά σε μικρούς και μεγάλους, ελληνικής καταγωγής και όχι μόνο.
Στην απογραφή του 2002, ελάχιστοι κάτοικοι κατάφεραν να πολιτογραφηθούν ως "Έλληνες". Οι μεθοδεύσεις είχαν ως αποτέλεσμα να καταχωρηθούν ως "Μακεδόνες" οι περισσότεροι και άλλοι ως Τούρκοι. (Συγκεκριμένα : "Mακεδόνες" 4.737. Ρομά 390. Τούρκοι 357 και άλλοι 33).
Ο δήμος είναι απομονωμένες και οι κάτοικοι ασχολούνται κυρίως με τη γεωργία και την κτηνοτροφία, ενώ φημίζονται για το πρόβειο τυρί που παράγουν.
26 Νοε 2008
Επιτέλους ξύπνησε το ΥΠΕΞ ?
Yπάρχουν Έλληνες, αλλά όχι μειονότητα (!!!) λέει το ΥΠΕΞ

Για πρώτη φορά το ΥΠΕΞ παραδέχεται την ύπαρξη Ελλήνων στην ΠΓΔΜ. Η zougla.gr αποκαλύπτει τη γραπτή απάντηση της υπουργού Εξωτερικών, Ντόρας Μπακογιάννη, σε σχετική ερώτηση του βουλευτή του ΛΑ.Ο.Σ, Κωνσταντίνου Αϊβαλιώτη, στην οποία αναφέρει πως ναι μεν υπάρχουν Έλληνες στη γειτονική χώρα, αλλά λόγω του μικρού αριθμού, δεν μπορεί να γίνεται λόγος για «ελληνική εθνική μειονότητα».
24 Νοε 2008
Slavic Philhellenic Network
As our friend from Skopje, Vasko informed us, it has been established in Skopje the “Slavic Philhellenic Network”.
The registration in court was done yesterday. The aims of the operation “Vardar-Axios” shall be:
1. Restitution of the Slavic identity of FYROM
The registration in court was done yesterday. The aims of the operation “Vardar-Axios” shall be:
1. Restitution of the Slavic identity of FYROM
2. Creation, promoting and archiving publications regarding Greek culture
3. Sponsorship of Classic and Byzantine studies
4. Struggle against Pseudomacedonism
This organization has 4 members, all of them anonymous, with the exception of Vasko. The site of SPN shall be launched in Wednesday 26-XI and it will serve as an online platform for publication and coordination of activities.
This organization has 4 members, all of them anonymous, with the exception of Vasko. The site of SPN shall be launched in Wednesday 26-XI and it will serve as an online platform for publication and coordination of activities.
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