9 Απρ 2008


“Grecomans” was used by the Bulgarians as a derogatory term to define the Greek Slavophones, i.e. those who remained firm to the Ecumenical Patriarchate and to Hellenism.
It is interesting to note that in 1883, despite the growth of the Bulgarian national and ecclessiastical movement, the situation in terms of ecclesiastical affiliation in the northern “border” bishoprics of the contested central zone presented the following picture Bishopric of Ohrid and Prespa, patriarchist families 3030, exarchist 6003, Bishopric of Pelagonia (Monastir), patriarchist 6459, exarchist 4988, Bishopric of Moglena (Florina), patriarchist 2433, exarchist 699.
The majority of these patriarchists were Vlachophone and Slavophone “Grecomans”.
[AYE/”Constantinople Embassy”/1883, Dokos (Monastir) to Koundouriotis (Con/pole), No. 210, 15/27 Nov.1883] , [Dillimas and Orientations by Evagellos Kofos]
Grecomaniac or Grecophile
The above words are terms that used from the ultra-nationalist in order to determine the Greek Slavphones during the Greek Struggle in the 19th and in the beginning of the 20th century.
These terms came from Bulgarian or Serbian nationlist elements.Today the FYROMacedonian ultra-natiolists diaspora centers REPLACE these odds and using these terms in order to insult these Greeks.
For the sake of the thread let us accept that the old Bulgarians, those who in current Makedonoski theory “considered” themselves Bulgarians and who, in fact, lived in Macedonia, as a minority community, however, as is apparent from the Ottoman statistics for 1905, have erroneously been taken as constituting a segment of the “Macedonian” nation.
As we have said, however, these people were Bulgarians:they never (at that time) called themselves “Macedonians”, they fought as comitadjis in the ranks of the Bulgarian Committee and later, in 1924, taking advantage of the Kafantaris-Molov agreement on the “voluntary exchange of populations”, they left for Bulgaria.
None of them moved to what was then the district of Skopje –which, moreover, was at that time certainly not called “Macedonia”: it was merely “Vardarska Banovina” (Directorate of the Axios), an administrative district of the then Kingdom of Serbia. Serbia consequently delivered a protest to the Greek government for having exchanged these people for Greeks living in Bulgaria when, according to Serbia, they were in fact Serbs, (not, of course, “Macedonians”). All the “Bulgarophones”, as they were called at that time, who remained in Greece were old Patriarchists (adherents of the Ecumenical Patriarchate) from the time of the Bulgarian Schism, veterans of the Macedonian Struggle.
“Grecomaniacs” (passionately Greek)
In the words of the Bulgarians and their descendants.The following discussion on the nationality of these Bulgarian speakers, which Michel Paillares reports (op.cit., pp. 50-51) having had with Hilmi Pasha, the Inspector General of the Macedonian vilayets of Monastir and Thessaloniki, is significant :
Paillares: But these Bulgarophones insist that they are really Greeks?
Hilmi: They say they are Greeks when no coercion, no constraint, is brought to bear on them.
Paillares: And what is your opinion, Your Excellency ?
Hilmi: My opinion, and the opinion of my government, is that they are Greeks. We classify our subjects according to which schools and which Church they attend. Being unable to win people by peaceful propaganda, the Comitadjis do not hesitate to make use of the most atrocious methods.
They turn to the knife, the revolver, the axeIt is equally significant that much earlier, in 1871, the Russian Goloubinskii (see the relevant note in my dissertation on “The liberation of Thessaloniki”, op.cit., pp. 25-26) had written : These purported Greeks nourished a more implacable hatred and a more intense scorn for all things Bulgarian or Slavic than did real Greeks.
Just recently my attention was drawn to a passage in the magazine Tachydromos, an extract from a book by Giovanni Amadori-Virgili, a former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, entitled “La questione Rumeliota (Macedonia, Vecchia Serbia, Albania, Epiro) e la politica italiana”, published in 1908 as number 1 in a series by the Biblioteca Italiana on foreign policy.The passage in question reads: Through their partiotic sentiments and their devotion to Greek traditions and Greek culture, the Slav-speaking Greeks of Macedonia express their vigorous determination to be Greeks.

2 σχόλια:

  1. Έχετε κάνει ένα λάθος σε αυτή την ανάρτηση. Σε αυτά που λέει ο Ιταλός υπουργός εξωτερικών, έχετε κατά λάθος προσθέσει και μια πρόταση-εκτίμηση που ανήκει στον κάτοχο του blog "Modern Macedonian History" απ' όπου πήρατε και το άρθρο.

    Δηλαδή ο Ιταλός εμφανίζεται να μιλάει για την ανταλλαγή πληθυσμών, που όλοι ξέρουμε ότι έγινε το 1919, ενώ το έργο του είναι γραμμένο νωρίτερα, συγκεκριμένα το 1908.

    Αφού το διορθώσετε, μπορείτε να σβήσετε το σχόλιό μου.


  2. Καλησπέρα,

    Σας είχα ειδοποιήσει και πριν μερικές μέρες για ένα λάθος που έχετε κάνει στη συγκεκριμένη σελίδα, αλλά δεν είχα γίνει απόλυτα σαφής, και είναι δικό μου το σφάλμα γιατί έγραψα βιαστικά. Θα προσπαθήσω να εξηγήσω αναλυτικά τώρα.

    Έχετε πάρει από τη σελίδα αυτή ένα άρθρο για τους Γρεκομάνους:


    Το άρθρο κάπου αναφέρει:

    Just recently my attention was drawn to a passage in the magazine Tachydromos, an extract from a book by Giovanni Amadori-Virgili, a former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, entitled “La questione Rumeliota (Macedonia, Vecchia Serbia, Albania, Epiro) e la politica italiana”, published in 1908 as number 1 in a series by the Biblioteca Italiana on foreign policy.

    The passage in question reads:

    Through their partiotic sentiments and their devotion to Greek traditions and Greek culture, the Slav-speaking Greeks of Macedonia express their vigorous determination to be Greeks.

    Legally, after the population exchange, the subject was closed, for those who remained were those who did not want to leave Greece, who did not choose to be Bulgarians. Nowhere is there any mention of the term “Macedonians”. If today certain of their descendants have discovered that they are “Macedonians”, that does not alter the situation, because it was to them, or at least to some of them, that the Skopje radio station addressed its March 5, 1990 broadcast, saying that “the most dangerous ones are those same hellenized Macedonians, the traitors, the anti-Macedonians” (here I would merely recall the slogan launched in 1895 by the Bulgarian Committee: “Death to the Grecophiles”).

    Όπως μπορείτε να διαπιστώσετε, έχετε κατά λάθος συνενώσει το απόφθεγμα του Ιταλού διπλωμάτη με την πρώτη πρόταση της αμέσως επόμενης παραγράφου του άρθρου για τους Γρεκομάνους με τελικό αποτέλεσμα το εξής:

    Just recently my attention was drawn to a passage in the magazine Tachydromos, an extract from a book by Giovanni Amadori-Virgili, a former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, entitled “La questione Rumeliota (Macedonia, Vecchia Serbia, Albania, Epiro) e la politica italiana”, published in 1908 as number 1 in a series by the Biblioteca Italiana on foreign policy.The passage in question reads: Through their partiotic sentiments and their devotion to Greek traditions and Greek culture, the Slav-speaking Greeks of Macedonia express their vigorous determination to be Greeks.Legally, after the population exchange, the subject was closed, for those who remained were those who did not want to leave Greece, who did not choose to be Bulgarians.

    Η τελευταία πρόταση στην παραπάνω παράγραφο δηλαδή, δεν ανήκει στα λόγια του Ιταλού, παρά είναι λόγια του συγγραφέα του συνολικού άρθρου. Και δεν θα μπορούσε εξάλλου να είχε μιλήσει ο Ιταλός στο βιβλίο του που γράφτηκε το 1908 για την ανταλλαγή πληθυσμών, η οποία έγινε με τη συνθήκη του Νεϊγύ το 1919.

    Θα ήταν καλύτερα να το διορθώσετε επειδή έχω διαπιστώσει ότι πολλοί κακόβουλοι, μεταξύ αυτών και Έλληνες δυστυχώς, προσπαθούν να αλλοιώσουν αυτά που λέτε και να σας παρουσιάσουν ως αναξιόπιστους.

    Πραγματικά το blog σας με τα στοιχεία που παραθέτει έχει αντιστρέψει κατά πολύ το κλίμα υπέρ των ελληνικών θέσεων, και σας αξίζουν συγχαρητήρια.

    Αφού κάνετε τη διόρθωση μπορείτε να σβήσετε το σχόλιό μου.

