13 Μαΐ 2008

Greek political refugees

Although the largest part of the political refugees that fled Greece at the end of the disastrous civil war (1949) profess themselves as “Macedonians” and have fully espoused our neighbours' propaganda, there are still political refugees in the country with complete greek conscience.
The voices of these people,who fled Greece because they had found themselves on the side of the defeated after the civil war (1946-1949), are heard more and more lately. It's not just those who fought in the battle fields but their women and children they took with them.
It's illustrative that at the time Yugoslavia was a single country,only few political refugees with greek conscience accepted to change their names into slavic ones and take the suffix -fski.
Today, most of those political refugees that are still living are over 80 years old. Although they feel embittered by the behaviour of the greek authorities towards them,perhaps justified, they never thought even for a moment to betray their roots. They passed their love for Greece to their children and grandchildren.
These people have the right to return legally to Greece, as happened with the rest of the political refugees from various countries of Eastern Europe after 1982.
They don't want to return to Greece and create problems or nonexistent issues like the self-proclaimed “Macedonians”. They want to return to their villages and die where they were born,under the greek flag. There are many of course that because of their old age and condition do not wish to return to Greece but they wish to recover their greek nationality, even if they continue living in the FYROM. After all, 59 years of living there cannot be considered insignificant.
It's time the greek authorities saw with interest the cases of these people who are greeks and declare it without any hesitation.Who found themselves living in the FYROM due to political conditions but never forgot their origins.
It is unreasonable for the self-proclaimed “Macedonians” who dream a return to the “occupied” by the greeks “Aegean Macedonia” to be put in the same sack with those who want to return again to Greece,their homeland,or to obtain greek nationality,even if they chose to stay for the rest of their lives in the FYROM.
Many times in the past northmmacedonians.com has published stories of political refugees in the FYROM with greek national conscience.
These people consist the third group of the citizens of FYROM with greek origins,following the greek vlachs in the area of Pelagonia and the Sarakatsani who live in various areas of the country.

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