8 Ιουν 2008

Mr Koumoutsakos Statements

Below you can find Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Representative's Mr George Koumoutsakos reply to the question posed by journalist Mr George Tahtsidis (CITY INTERNATIONAL 106,1 FM Thessaloniki radio station on 29/05/2008) regarding the problems that the Greeks who live in the FYROM face.
Mr TAHTSIDIS: Mr Representative,have there been any actions ,or are there currently any actions taken in order to solve the problems that the greek homogeny is facing in the FYROM? Mr G.KOUMOUTSAKOS: In general, when problems affecting the Greek citizens or the homogeny abroad occur and are promulgated, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes action in order to solve them.Is there anything specific you are referring to?
Mr TAHTSIDIS: But there have been reports as well as reportages that have been aired on tv regarding the problems that exist.Problems like learning the greek language and history, providing them with greek education..I have taken actions personally on this matter.
Mr G.KOUMOUTSAKOS: Specific issues and problems are always examined closely according to their extent.
Mr G.KOUMOUTSAKOS: But I officially declare that I have no knowledge of certain requests or other problems that have been promulgated to us from there.

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