17 Ιουν 2008

One Gligorov upsets Skopje

A 30 year old named Gligorov became a pet aversion to the nationalists of the FYROM. The 30 year old history student ,who has no relation with the former president of the FYROM Kiro Gligorov, became known when he publicly declared himself non-Macedonian,while talking about the falsification of Greek history by the neighbours.
University student at the "Cyril and Methodius" university of Skopje ,Vasil Gligorov became known last September,when he appeared before a notary of Skopje,in order to officially record his views regarding the identity of the self-called "Macedonians" of the FYROM.
"The usurpation of the greek heritage and the expansionistic agenda of the pseudomacedonians with the forged dogma of "macedomism" as the official religion in the FYROM consists a problem for peace in the Balkans" Gligorov supported among others in his written declaration,which was commented deprecatorily by the FYROM media.
Vasil Gligorov is of Serb origin.His grandfather says that he was forced to change the suffix of his surname during the Titoic era of united Yugoslavia. So, from Gligorovic he became.. Gligorov.
"They changed the surnames of the Serbs living in the south part of Yugoslavia.The same happened with the Bulgarians and the Greeks in Monastiri.Their aim was to prove that there are only pseudomacedonian sin the area, he mentions characteristically.
At present, Vasil Gligorov is working meticulously on the history of the Slavs as well as the debunking of the "macedonian" nation.His studies have been published in various periodicals.He has also created a website about the macedonian issue as well as a videopage on the popular Youtube.
Furthermore,he expresses his opinion eponymously in various forums and blogs.
Zougla.gr contacted Vasil Gligorov through e-mail ,requesting him to comment on the FYROM leaders' policies regarding the dispute with Greece.
"The Gruevski administration continues the promotion strategy of a fictitious nation with cultural as well as political dimension.A great "macedonian" homeland that is dismembered between Greece and Bulgaria ,he stressed purportedly.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Έχουμε να ακούσουμε νέα από τον Vasiliye πάρα πολύ καιρό.
    Προσωπικά ανησυχώ για την ααφάλεια του.
